Featuring: Off the Clock, LVN's podcast dedicated to spontaneous conversations about the legal industry that often happen after work and off the clock. Here's a look back at 2023:

Data Points:
302 minutes created.
9 countries are streaming our episodes.
74% increase in listenership.
41% new followers.
Top Episodes:
Using Data to Analyze Legal Pricing Dynamics
LVN board members Keith Maziarek and Justin Ergler talk to Nathan Cemenska, Director of Legal Operations and Industry Insights at Wolters Kluwer about pricing and negotiation dynamics between law firms and clients. Specifically, with a focus on the use of data and alternative solutions such as insourcing and utilizing ALSPs. They also also touch on the factors driving legal rate increases. Listen now on Spotify!
Being Creative With Legal Pricing and How to Think About Legal Value
Keith Maziarek and Chad Main (Percipient) talk to Bill Rudnick. Bill is General Counsel at Cresset Capital, a boutique private wealth management firm, and previously the managing partner of DLA Piper’s Chicago office, the firm’s second largest. The conversation focuses on creative and different ways of thinking about legal pricing and the value of legal services with the benefit of Bill’s uniquely well-rounded perspectives as a law firm lawyer and leader, a corporate general counsel, a J.D. and a M.B.A. Listen now on Spotify!
Thanks to all of our listeners, guests, hosts, and podcast editor Chad Main for making this possible. Cheers to a great 2024!